We're very blessed to have a number of individuals who support the ongoing day-to-day activities of the Church. We haven't shared direct contact details for the individuals below, we wanted to share this information with you in the spirit of engagement. If there is someone who you would like to speak to in connection with a certain matter, then please contact the church so we arrange for them to contact you as appropriate.
Alastair Donaldson
Margaret Finlay
Lorraine Clarke
Church Wardens
Billy Griffith
Sam Rooney
George Darling
Hazel Latimer
Jonathan Willis
Bertie Swan
Select Vestry
Helen Finlay
June Whittendale
Sara Jordan
David Willis
Garth Peel
Hazel Wilson
Heather Bothwell
Lord Erne
Rev Alastair Donaldson (Chairperson)
Safeguiding Panel
Margaret Finlay
Olive Roe
Hazel Latimer
Rev Alastair Donaldson