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Home > Safeguarding Trust Panel
Kinawley Holy Trinity

Safeguarding Trust Panel
The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish Leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the Parish's ministry with children, young people and the vulnerable. We recognise our responsibilities towards our leaders - voluntary and employed - also.

As a church we recognise the importance of safeguarding based on what God says in his Word. God cares about the vulnerable and their protection (Exodus 13:1-5). We acknowledge that children, young people and adults at risk can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. We cannot hope to flourish spiritually if we don't take this seriously.

We are also commended to obey legitimate authority (Romans 13:1-5). As a member church of the Church of Ireland, we have therefore adopted the procedures set out in their ‘Child safeguarding policy (Northern Ireland) 2018 and in their ‘Adult safeguarding policy (Northern Ireland) 2018. Links to these can be seen below. We are committed to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding.

Within the church we provide regular updates and hand out regular information on safeguarding developments as well as having regular Safeguarding Panel meetings. On an annual basis, the safeguarding panel members introduce themselves and explain a little about their function to the congregations at Sunday morning services.

Should you have a concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish please contact a member of the Parish Panel (see members below).

If you'd like to find out more and read the policies as set out by The Church of Ireland, then please click here to download the guidelines around adult safeguarding, or follow this link to download the child safeguarding policy.
Rev Alastair Donaldson

Mrs Margaret Finlay

Mrs Olive Roe

Mrs Hazel Latimer

Derrylin | 146 Main Street | BT92 9PD | Enniskillen
Crom | Derryvore | BT92 9HQ | Enniskillen
Drumany | 478 Derrylin Road | BT92 4AE | Enniskillen
Registered Charity Number: 105440

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146 Main Street | BT92 9PD | Enniskillen

Derryvore | BT92 9HQ | Enniskillen

478 Derrylin Road | BT92 4AE | Enniskillen

Registered Charity Number: 105440

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